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Immaculate Heart of Mary Feast at Cassia, Rome East

On 28th June 2015, the 4th Feast of Immaculate Heart of Mary was held at Cassia


parish, Rome East Chaplaincy.


The Chief Celebrant was Rt. Rev. Mgr. Neville Joe Perera, National Coordinator,


the Holy Mass was co-celebrated by Rev. Fr. Chamara Prageeth, parish priest of


Piazza Venezia and Rev. Fr. Deninton Subasinghe, assistant parish priest of


Infernetto. Other several priests took part on this occasion.


In His homily, Monsignor Neville underlined the need for everyone to open their


hearts to Jesus as St. Mary did with Her Immaculate Heart.


"If we open our hearts to Jesus Lord then He will fill us of His abundant Love";


Msgr. Neville said.


The 4th Feast was organized by the parish priest of Rome - East Cassia parish,


Reverend Fr. Thusitha Perera who thanked all the partecipants.


A large crowd partecipated from the nearby srilankan catholic communities.


Photos by Sripal Jayalath, parishioner of St. Mary's Church - Cassia

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